Self Publishing Benefits



Self Publishing Benefits



With self publishing, you have the freedom to do things whenever you want, however you want. There’s no one to tell you can or can’t publish something, which can be dangerous, but also is a great way to move forward once you know what you are doing. A fantastic reason to self-publish if you want the freedom to move forward as you see fit.


If you love controlling every detail, this is a great way to go. You get to choose everything from what font to use in your paperback to what your character says on page three and your cover to pricing your book. Though close to freedom, this is even more specific to those who love being in on the process of your book from start to finish and beyond.


Self publishing can be much faster. Zip, zip! Or if you want to go slower, you have the authority to decide such. You don’t have to follow anyone’s timeline but the expectations you put up for yourself, and possibly your fans, If you’re a fast writer, you’ll be able to push a multitude of books out quickly. If you’re slower, you can work at your speed to get books out when you choose without the pressure of a deadline.


You keep control of the rights of your books—unless you decide to sell them! Selling them means more money for your pocket and more fans for your words. This means you can have your book in many different formats like, physical copies, ebooks, audiobooks, translations, and even performance rights if you can find someone to purchase them. Or you can publish those options yourself. You have can decide where everything goes and how it gets there.


If you want to be able to pivot in what you’re writing or how you’re writing it, self publishing can let that happen. Decide you want to jump on the latest trend? You can make that happen. Decide you want to change gears with your book? There’s no one to tell you no. There’s so many possibilities of being able to change how to write, publish, and market your book all at your fingertips.



Want to learn why Janeal picked the self publishing path and how you can decide for yourself? Follow us on Patreon and check out this post.

If you’d like more in depth help with self-publishing, schedule a consult call with us today. If you want more content on writing, publishing, and marketing, consider following us on Patreon where you’d get access to everything from more comprehensive posts, a community just for writers with Allyson and Janeal as mentors, Q&As, Writing Help, Books, and more!

Your TLC Mentors


Allyson Lindt

Contemporary Romance/Urban Fantasy Author

Janeal Falor

Fantasy Author